With all our heart, we thank all our individual donors, service organizations and foundations who have supported us generously over the years – we are grateful that there are too many of them to name individually.

A big thank you, too, to our corporate donors, both past and present, who have helped us fulfil our vision and expand our reach.



A pool of ADAPT’s restricted funds was initiated in 1972 and has been growing at a steady pace with support from national and international donors. The funds are invested as per statutory requirements and the yield from them makes a critical contribution in sustaining our services. We also take this opportunity to thank our donors who have donated restricted funds.


Whilst we would like to acknowledge every one of our international partners and funding agencies for having supported and believed in the organization’s work. Constraint of space prevents us from listing all individually. These collaborations have been instrumental in establishing flagship projects and leaving a mark in the disability sector in the country and we are grateful to each of our international partners. 

Your Donations can Change their Daily Life Style